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Using N-Spec with Non-US Patent Applications

While N-Spec is optimized for US patent applications, it can still be used effectively with applications from other jurisdictions. Here are some key points to consider:

Document Formatting

  • Use standard section headers that N-Spec can recognize (e.g., "CLAIMS:", "DETAILED DESCRIPTION")
  • For best results, submit documents in .docx format rather than PDF
  • Ensure claims are explicitly numbered (e.g., "1.", "2.") rather than using automatic numbering

Feature Compatibility

The following N-Spec features work well across jurisdictions:

  • Antecedent basis checking
  • Patent profanity detection
  • Figure consistency checking
  • Part name/number consistency

Note: The Art Unit Predictor and 101 Rejection Predictor features are specifically designed for US patent prosecution and may not provide relevant insights for other jurisdictions.

If you frequently file in a specific non-US jurisdiction, contact support to discuss potential customization of N-Spec's parsing rules for your particular needs.