About Us

Our Mission

At IronCrow AI, our mission is to empower patent professionals with cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions, enhancing their ability to innovate and excel in the rapidly evolving field of intellectual property.

We believe that by leveraging machine learning to automate tedious tasks and provide predictive insights, patent practitioners can focus more on high-level strategy and creative problem-solving - the areas where their expertise truly shines.

Born from the practical needs of patent professionals, IronCrow AI serves as a bridge between the complex world of AI and the specialized domain of patent practice. We recognize that many patent practitioners lack the resources or specialized IT support to build and maintain sophisticated AI tools in-house. That's where we come in.

By acting as a virtual innovation partner, IronCrow AI handles the technological complexities, allowing patent professionals to harness the full potential of AI without the burden of development and maintenance.

We're committed to fostering innovation in the patent industry, ensuring that all practitioners - regardless of their organization's size or resources - can benefit from the transformative power of AI.


Will Schlecht, Ph.D.

App. architect, machine learning practitioner, patent agent.

See Profile

B. Anna McCoy

Co-founder of IronCrow IP and intellectual property attorney.

See Profile

John Russell, Ph.D.

Co-founder of IronCrow IP and intellectual property attorney.

See Profile

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