N-Spec's quality score is a weighted average that evaluates multiple aspects of your patent application. The score starts at 100 and is reduced based on issues found in various categories:
Quality Score Components and Deductions
- Figure Consistency (-4 points per issue): Missing figure references have a large impact on your score
- Antecedent Basis (-2 points per red issue, -0.6 points per orange issue): Red issues indicate likely missing antecedent basis, while orange issues are potential concerns
- Literal Support (-1 point per red issue, -0.2 points per orange issue): Uncited claim elements (red) and infrequently cited elements (orange) reduce your score
- Part Name Consistency (-1 point per red issue, -0.3 points per orange issue): Inconsistent part naming affects the score
- Patent Profanities (-0.3 points per instance): Each instance of patent profanity slightly reduces the score
- General Issues (-8 points per warning): Warnings about title length, abstract issues, and claim dependencies have significant impact
Score Interpretation:
- 90-100: Green (Excellent quality)
- 80-89: Orange (Needs some attention)
- Below 80: Red (Significant issues to address)
Note: The final score is averaged across all applicable categories, so not all categories need to be present for a score to be calculated.